Shelby Auto Transport

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What makes us different?​

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What makes us different?

No “Phony” Online Instant Quotes

Many auto transport companies have a feature on their website where you can “get an instant quote within minutes” just by imputing your vehicle and distance. And while this pricing estimate may be enough to convince you to move forward with their services, the average customer never pays the amount provided by the instant quote algorithm.

Several factors determine the final pricing of a transport: size of car, weight of car, tolls, etc… That’s why we ask you to fill out an official form on our website so that an actual human being (a shipping specialist) can reach out to you and provide you with a true, accurate quote.

Of course, you’re more than welcome to just give us a call as well.

100% Honesty with Our Customers

Sometimes, it’s simply impossible for us to transport your vehicle in your preferred timeframe. We may be fully booked that week or another inconvenience may prohibit us from making a timely delivery. We pride ourselves on being transparent about this unfortunate setback.

In contrast, many auto transport companies will lead you on for weeks. We’ve even heard a few “horror stories” over the years from folks who were swindled into believing a service would be provided in a timely manner for a fair price (only to experience ridiculous shipping delays at an unreasonable cost).

In short, you won’t have to worry about any of that from us.

Your Information is ALWAYS Secure

Why? Because we’re the only ones who will ever see it.

Some auto shipping websites present themselves as real-life, brick-and-mortar shipping companies. But in reality, they’re just a “lead company.” So after you supply them with your personal information, they sell it off to the real shipping companies and… guess what?

Your cell phone starts blowing up with spam callers and your email address becomes a free-for-all for solicitation! How’s that for professionalism?

Thankfully, any interaction you have with Shelby Auto Transport is 100% secure. We will never, EVER source your information to our competitors.

No Upfront Fees

Finally, if you choose our services, you won’t pay a dime until we’ve finalized your order and your vehicle is ready for pickup from its initial location.

There are no “hidden fees” or required deposits while you wait weeks or even months for a confirmation that your vehicle to ready to ship. This is just one more way we strive to make a difference in the industry.

Not all auto transportation companies are created equal, and we’re proud to be one of the absolute best. Customer service is always our priority, which is why we handle your personal property as if it were our own.

Ship Your Vehicle With

Shelby Auto Transport

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